HR Performance & Results

Do you have an HR Strategy for your growing business?

What HR issues keep you up at night?

Employee Issues
Dealing with employee issues can be complex and challenging, however issues that go unresolved can cost you.

Whether dealing with day to day challenges or increasingly serious behaviours, employee issues are complicated. So are your options in managing these issues; the correct path is not always clear. What is clear is that not dealing with the issue directly and in a timely manner, is just not an option. Negative attitudes and behaviors of one employee can have a profound negative impact on your team morale – and your bottom line.

Our team of experts provide personalized advisory services support to assist you with all of your employee issues in the areas of performance management, return to work and accommodations, absenteeism, employee conduct i.e. insubordination, complaints of harassment and workplace violence….and the list goes on and on and on. Whatever the issue is, we have the expertise to help you, which will give you the peace of mind that you have been searching for!

Services Offered

  • Personalized Advisory Services
    We provide personalized, practical and timely advice that is relevant for your business.
  • Workplace Conduct, Harassment and Violence Investigations
    Our investigation protocol will meet your legal compliance requirements.
  • Mediation Services
    We will help you resolve your issues so that you can work on growing and managing your business.
Compliance with Employment Legislation
Compliance with legislation can be very overwhelming and with numerous pieces of legislation both federally and provincially, meeting all the requirements is no easy task.

One of the factors that makes the laws affecting employment in Canada so challenging is the different jurisdictions involved. While there is some commonality across jurisdictions, there is also considerable variation.

We provide support for businesses across Canada. We assist both provincially and federally regulated employers in the profit and not-for-profit sectors comply with all employment legislation.

Services Offered

  • Our Interpretation, Application and Compliance Services
    Whether it is an inspection or an audit from a legislative body or a question about a specific section of a piece of legislation and how it applies to your business, we can assist you.
  • Policy and Procedure Development
    There are requirements to have documented policies and procedures in place depending upon the legislation and the size of your organization i.e. Workplace Violence and Harassment Policies, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Policies etc.
All Human Resources and Health & Safety Needs
At HR Performance & Results, we believe that all businesses, regardless of size, need senior level HR expertise.

What sets us apart from other consulting companies is that we take a partnership approach. We don’t just advise; we also assist you in doing the work. From providing full service human resources support to developing a policy and procedure manual or advising on employee issues, we are there for you each step of the way. We take a holistic approach to Human Resources, using the skills and expertise of all of our team members to develop solutions and assist with identifying the implementation practices that best fit our clients’ individual needs. We do not believe in a “one size fits all approach” and find that “best practices do not travel well”, this means that we take the time to understand your business, the industry, your workplace culture, etc. and use this to create custom, tailored content and solutions rather than using standardized templates. It is important to note that we not only develop these policies, procedures, etc., but help to implement them into your workplace and provide post implementation tools to managers and leaders to ensure that practices remain relevant, effective and achieve the results you are looking for.

Services Offered

  • Human Resources Best Practice and Compliance Audits
  • Development of HR Strategies and Execution
  • Organizational Structure, Job Descriptions and Workflow Analysis
  • Employment Agreements
  • Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Human Resources Policies, Procedures and Handbooks
  • Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Health & Safety Policies, Procedures and Handbooks
  • Performance Management Tools and Training
  • Formal Compensation Plans and Pay Equity Compliance
  • Culture/Employee Relations Programs (i.e. Employee Opinion Surveys etc.)
Hiring the Right Employee
Our Recruitment Specialists focus on providing clients with a process that is thorough, timely, practical, and cost effective.

First, we work with you to intimately understand your needs and company culture. Then, we provide full-service recruitment with industry leading tools and standards to find you the top talent your business needs.

Services Offered

  • Full-Service Recruitment
    Even if you have the best selection process it will never overcome a poor recruitment strategy so that is where we start with our full-service recruitment support.
  • Pre-Employment Skills Testing
    In order to ensure that your hire has the skills to do the job, then we highly recommend that you test candidates.
  • Interviewing Best Practices
    If you are looking for coaching and support on interviewing best practices, then we can assist.
Training, E-Learning, and Coaching
We offer a variety of customized training programs for employees, managers, and supervisors.

Whether you need to meet legislative requirements, address skills and knowledge gaps, or educate your employees on internal policies and procedures, HRPAR will develop a custom training program to suit your needs. All our training programs incorporate adult learning principals because we believe that adults learn the best when they are actively involved in the learning process.

We also offer a 1:1 coaching program for Leaders, Supervisors and Human Resources team members. Individual coaching allows the coachee to build their knowledge, skills, and abilities through a process where the coaching is teaching them how to deal with real time workplace matters.

Services Offered

  • Instructor-Led Training – In-Class
    A member of our team will facilitate an interactive, in-person training session in your workplace. Benefits to in-class training include increased learner engagement, group activities that give learners an opportunity to learn from one another, the ability to ask questions and work through real-life scenarios as a class.
  • Instructor-Led Training – Online (Virtual facilitation via Zoom, Teams, etc.)
    Online training provides learners with an in-class experience, while attending the session from the comfort and/or safety of their individual devices (i.e. computer, phone, tablet, etc.). Benefits of online training include increased learner engagement, ideal for learners who are working remotely or travelling, the ability to ask questions and work through real-life scenarios as a class.
  • E-Learning
    Offered completely online with pre-recorded audio of the course facilitator, accompanied by videos, images, tests and activities to optimize the learner experience and ensure successful knowledge transfer. Benefits of e-learning include time and cost effective, ideal for learners who are working remotely or travelling, allows learners to go at their own pace (pause or re-read information) and incorporates individual exercises and activities to re-enforce learning.   View E-Learning Courses
  • Coaching Program
    Give us a call to find out more details about our 1:1 Coaching program.

Why Hire Our Team

At HR Performance & Results Inc., we have a talented team of HR Professionals who are very passionate about what we do.

We have the experience and knowledge to assist you in managing all aspects of human resources within your workplace. What sets us apart from other consulting companies is that we don’t just advise; we also assist you with doing the work – we are truly your partner.  We don’t believe in templates or in a ”one size fits all” method.  Rather, we take a holistic approach, using the skills and expertise of all of our team members, to provide you with personalized services and customized solutions that reflect your industry and your culture. We pride ourselves on taking the time to get to know you, understanding what matters most to your business and achieving results for your business.

All management teams require support and advice from HR professionals on various employee relations issues. In small and mid-sized businesses however, there typically is not an internal HR expert to provide that support. Business leaders and management teams are often left struggling to find the answers they need – and fast! Our HR Advisory Services Team offers the support that you need to manage your business and your employees more effectively.

  • Access to Personalized Advisory Services. Our advisory team will provide you with expert consultation on identifying potential risks and exploring a variety of options for dealing with difficult issues such as employee terminations, performance management problems, and legal compliance matters. 
  • On-going reviews and legislative updates. No time to review? Can’t keep up with changes? No problem! Our team will keep YOU up to date on the necessary changes to your internal policies and procedures as it relates to updates with employment standards, health and safety procedures, or industry best practices
  • Guaranteed response time within one business day. We understand these issues arise quickly and you need answers now! Our team of experts recognize the urgency for acting promptly and/or making decisions and are committed to getting back to you within 24 hours. 

You are the expert in your business, no question. So why would you settle for a template or form that was designed with someone else’s business needs in mind? Effective HR systems and programs are centered around what will work for your specific circumstances. When you partner with HR Performance & Results, developing programs that match your needs and vision is our first priority.

  • Custom Documentation – no templates! We listen, consult, recommend, draft, develop and finalize. Based on your specific needs, we will draft and customize all of your internal documentation from employee handbooks, to policies and procedures, from offer letters to progressive discipline notices – taking into account your past practices and workplace culture. 
  • It’s your choice. We aim to provide our clients with all relevant information they need to make informed decisions and develop policies and programs that make sense for their business. Whichever way you choose to proceed, we’ll be there to guide and support you with the development, implementation and execution of your programs.
  • Planning for the future is easier when you know the risks. Our experienced team can help you navigate through potential risks and aid in help safeguarding your business as it grows.

In today’s business climate, there is a high risk when leaders do not have an HR expert to consult with. Issues that are not managed effectively can ultimately have a significant impact on that organization. By partnering with HR Performance & Results, you gain access to our dynamic team of seasoned Human Resources professionals with specialized knowledge, training, and experience.

  • Employment Legislation. Navigating the landscape of employment standards, human rights, accommodation, pay equity and more overwhelms and frustrates most employers. Our subject matter experts are available to help provide interpretation and guidance as you deal with complicated issues in these complex areas. 
  • Health & Safety Compliance. Dealing with the Ministry of Labour can be a daunting task for any employer. Our team of health and safety experts have extensive experience in developing and maintaining effective health and safety programs that will ensure the safety of your workplace.
  • Recruitment & Selection. In no uncertain terms, one wrong hire can be a potential disaster for your organization. Our thorough recruitment processes and highly skilled specialists ensure you have all the information necessary to hire – and retain – top talent.

Sometimes you need a little guidance before you take action! But sometimes you just don’t have the knowledge, skills, or resources on your team to be able to put your plans into action. The reality is that you just can’t spend hours out of the day calculating vacation time, filling out performance evaluations, or conducting health and safety meetings. So why not have your HR Partners manage all of that for you?

  • On-site support. Out team is available to provide you with on-site support on a part time basis. If you need an HR professional to manage staff and drive programs forward, a member of our team can easily integrate with your current operations and support your staff from within
  • Connect and empower. By having a member of our team provide on-site support, your leaders will be connected and empowered through boundless access to advisory services, 1 to 1 coaching, and real time support for the issues they are dealing with every day
Personalized Advisory Services

All management teams require support and advice from HR Professionals on various employment issues. In small and mid-sized businesses however, there typically is not an internal HR expert to provide that support. Business leaders and management teams are often left to struggle finding the answers they need. Our HR Advisory Services Team offers the support that you need to manage your business and your employees more effectively.

  • Access to Unlimited Personalized Advisory Services which are tailored to your business. Our team will walk you through dealing with difficult subjects such as terminations, employee performance issues, and legal compliance.
  • On-going reviews and legislative updates. We’ll keep you up to date on the necessary changes to your internal documentation, such as employment standards, health & safety procedures, or industry best practices
  • Guaranteed response time within one business day. We understand these issues arise quickly and require your immediate attention.
Tailored Solutions and Programs

You are the expert in your business, no question. So why would you settle for a template or form that was designed with someone else’s business needs in mind? Effective HR systems and programs are centered around what will work for your specific circumstances. When you partner with HR Performance & Results, developing programs that match your needs and vision is our first priority.

  • Custom Documentation – no templates! We will draft and tailor letters, procedures, and policies based on your specific needs
  • It’s your choice. We aim to provide our clients with all relevant information they need to make informed decisions. However you choose to proceed, we’ll be there to support you with the implementation and execution.
  • Planning for the future is easier when you know the risks. Our experienced team can navigate you through potential risks and help safeguard our business as it grows.
Expert Guidance

In today’s business climate, there is a high risk when leaders do not have an HR expert to consult with. Issues that are not managed effectively can ultimately have a significant impact on that organization. In partnering with HR Performance & Results you gain access to our entire team of seasoned Human Resources professionals with specialized knowledge, training, and experience.

  • Employment Legislation becomes easily accessible less complicated with a subject matter expert proving interpretation and guidance
  • Health & Safety compliance and dealing with the Ministry of Labour can be a daunting task for any employer. Our H&S experts have extensive experience in developing and maintaining effective programs
  • Recruitment & Selection. In no uncertain terms, one wrong hire can be a potential disaster for your organization. Our thorough recruitment processes and highly skilled specialists ensure you have all the information necessary to hire top talent.
Insourced HR Support

Sometimes you need a little guidance before you take action! But sometimes you just don’t have the knowledge, skills, or resources on your team to be able to put your plans into action. The reality is that you just can’t spend hours out of the day calculating vacation time, filling out performance evaluations, or conducting health & safety meetings. So why not have your HR Partners manage all of that for you?

  • On-site support is available on a part time basis. If you need an HR professional to manage staff and drive programs forward, a member of our team can easily integrate with your current operations and support your staff from within
  • Connect and empower your leaders through access to advisory services, 1 to 1 coaching, and real time support for the issues they are dealing with every day



I need to terminate an employee immediately. What do I do?

We understand that in some situations, promptly removing an employee from the workplace is necessary, but there are several things to consider before doing so. First, do they have an employment agreement and does that agreement include a termination clause? Is your organization unionized? Contact a member of our team to discuss your options.

I’ve never had employment agreements. Do I really need them?

Employment agreements set out the terms and conditions of the employment relationship including the position being offered, conditions of work, compensation, etc. We recommend that all employers have written employment agreements in order to minimize their legal liability upon termination. Contact a member of our team to learn more.

Why isn’t anyone applying to my job postings?

Do you have a recruitment strategy? What methods of advertising are you using? Have you written a job ad that sells your organization as an employer of choice? Have you considered sponsored job ads? There are several factors to consider when drafting a job posting that will attract your desired candidates. Reach out to a member of our team to discuss what you can do to attract and hire the ideal candidate.

A health and safety inspector just showed up to my place of business. What do I do?

Inspectors can visit an employer’s workplace at any time without a warrant or notice. If an inspector is in your workplace, be welcoming and remain calm. Answer their questions to the best of your ability and promptly provide any requested documentation. If your organization has been issued a ticket, fine or order, be cognizant of the timeframe for adhering to the order. They will likely conduct a follow-up visit and you want to minimize any further consequences. Reach out to a member of our team to ensure that your business is meeting all health and safety requirements.

I’ve never had employment agreements. Do I really need them?

Employment agreements set out the terms and conditions of the employment relationship including the position being offered, conditions of work, compensation, etc. We recommend that all employers have written employment agreements in order to minimize their legal liability upon termination. Contact a member of our team to learn more.