What Do I Need To Train My Employees On In Ontario?

There are a number of legislative training requirements that you, as an employer, should be aware of prior to having your employee start their on-the-job training. We recommend that you build these four programs into your employee orientation process.

Additional training may be required depending on the industry sector your business falls within and the legislation that applies to your business. For further information on additional training that may be required for your employees, or for information on training specific to provinces outside of Ontario, reach out to a member of our team – we’d be happy to help!

Health & Safety Orientation (Basic Health & Safety Awareness Training)

Reg. 297/13: Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training requires employers to provide basic health and safety awareness training to all employees. In addition to basic health and safety training requirements, employers are also required to train all employees on policies and procedures specific to their workplace.

To train both your supervisors and your employees on basic health and safety awareness, click here: Introduction to Health and Safety (Employees)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System – WHMIS (2015)

R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 860: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System requires employers to educate all employees who work with or who may be exposed to a hazardous product in their workplace on the general requirements under WHMIS as well as training on the hazardous products specific to their workplace.

For general WHMIS 2015 training, click here: Introduction to WHMIS 2015 and GHS

Respect in the Workplace (Harassment and Violence in the Workplace)

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers are required to prepare and maintain a Violence and Harassment Prevention Program in their workplace and train their employees on their program.

To train both your supervisors and your employees on respect in the workplace, click here: Respect in the Workplace

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC)

Employers are required to train their employees on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and what they are doing to comply with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation which outlines the requirements for employers and service providers to provide their goods, services, and facilities to persons with disabilities. In addition to general AODA training requirements, employers are also required to provide their employees with training on the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to Persons with Disabilities.

To train your employees on the AODA and the OHRC, click here: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities and the Ontario Human Rights Code


Still have questions about training requirements? Reach out to a member of our team for further information or check out our suite of E-Learning On-Demand programs.