Do you have COVID-19 related questions? HR Performance and Results has extensive experience since the beginning of the pandemic in assisting businesses of all sizes and in all industries with any COVID-19 related issues in their workplace.
We can provide advisory support and solutions regarding all of your questions:
- Essential Business – What are my obligations? COVID-19 policies and workplace enforcement.
- I have to reduce my staff – can I lay them off? Employee work reductions and layoffs.
- My employee is sick due to COVID-19 – now what? Your obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Public Health & Safety measures.
- “Deemed” IDEL – what is this and what does it mean? Understanding the job protected leave and what it means for you as an employer.
- An MOL inspector is at my door looking for my COVID-19 policy! Developing COVID-19 Safety Plans.
- Government Benefits – what is my business or my employees eligible for? NEW CRA benefit and programs, EI programs.
Don’t Wait, Call Us Now!
If you are struggling with any business decision regarding your employees and COVID-19, make sure to reach out and contact us first! We will help explore available options to you so that you make the best decision and come up with the best solution that meets the needs of your business.
All Your COVID-19 Resources at Your Fingertips!
COVID-19 Self-Assessment
Employees should take this self-assessment if they have been exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms. Click Here.
COVID-19 Posters and Resources
Find sector-specific guidelines and posters to help protect workers, customers and the general public from COVID-19 in Ontario. Click Here.
COVID Screening Tool for Workplaces
The questions in this tool have been defined by the Ministry of Health. Using this specific online tool to answer the questions is optional and is not tracked or enforced. Click Here.
Canada Recovery Benefits
The Canada Recovery Benefits give income support to employed and self-employed individuals who are directly affected by COVID-19 and are not entitled to Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.
Deemed Infectious Disease Emergency Leave Extended
The COVID-19 period that was set to expire on January 3rd, 2021 has been extended to July 3rd, 2021. Under O. Reg. 228/20: Infectious Disease Emergency Leave, employers were permitted to temporarily reduce or eliminate an employee’s hours or wages throughout the COVID-19 period, without triggering a temporary lay-off. Instead, employees are deemed to be on the job-protected, unpaid Infectious Disease Emergency Leave. The Ontario government has since enacted Ontario Regulation 765/20, which extended the “COVID-19 period” to July 3, 2021. Click here.
Ontario Small Business Support Grant
Starting at $10,000 for all eligible businesses, the grant provides businesses with funding to a maximum of $20,000 to help cover decreased revenue expected as a result of the Provincewide Shutdown. Click Here.
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I need to terminate an employee immediately. What do I do?
We understand that in some situations, promptly removing an employee from the workplace is necessary, but there are several things to consider before doing so. First, do they have an employment agreement and does that agreement include a termination clause? Is your organization unionized? Contact a member of our team to discuss your options.
I’ve never had employment agreements. Do I really need them?
Employment agreements set out the terms and conditions of the employment relationship including the position being offered, conditions of work, compensation, etc. We recommend that all employers have written employment agreements in order to minimize their legal liability upon termination. Contact a member of our team to learn more.
Why isn’t anyone applying to my job postings?
Do you have a recruitment strategy? What methods of advertising are you using? Have you written a job ad that sells your organization as an employer of choice? Have you considered sponsored job ads? There are several factors to consider when drafting a job posting that will attract your desired candidates. Reach out to a member of our team to discuss what you can do to attract and hire the ideal candidate.
A health and safety inspector just showed up to my place of business. What do I do?
Inspectors can visit an employer’s workplace at any time without a warrant or notice. If an inspector is in your workplace, be welcoming and remain calm. Answer their questions to the best of your ability and promptly provide any requested documentation. If your organization has been issued a ticket, fine or order, be cognizant of the timeframe for adhering to the order. They will likely conduct a follow-up visit and you want to minimize any further consequences. Reach out to a member of our team to ensure that your business is meeting all health and safety requirements.
I’ve never had employment agreements. Do I really need them?
Employment agreements set out the terms and conditions of the employment relationship including the position being offered, conditions of work, compensation, etc. We recommend that all employers have written employment agreements in order to minimize their legal liability upon termination. Contact a member of our team to learn more.